Sponsored by Matrusri Education Society, Estd. 1980 | Affiliated to Osmania University & Recognised by AICTE | EMCET Counselling Code: MVSR


CS 412 


                                                                     (Elective I)


Instruction                                                                                         4 Periods per week 

Duration of University Examination                                               3 Hours 

University Examination                                                                    75 Marks 

Sessionals                                                                                          25 Marks 



Graphics Systems and Models: Graphics system; Images; Physical and synthetic; Imaging system; synthetic camera model; programming interface ; graphics architectures programmable pipelines; performance characteristics. Graphics Programming: Programming two-dimensional applications; OpenGL API; Primitives and attributes; color; viewing, control functions 



Input and Interaction: Input device; clients and servers; displays lists; display lists and modeling; programming event driven input; picking ; building interactive models; animating Interactive programs; logic operations. Geometrics Objects: Three - dimensional primitives; coordinates systems and frames; frames in OpenGL; Modeling colored cube. 


Transformations: Affine Transformations;  Transformations in homogenous coordinates; concatenation of Transformations; OpenGL transformation matrices; Viewing: Classical and Computer views;  Viewing with a computer; Positioning of camera; Simple projections; Projections in OpenGL; Hidden surface removal; Parallel-projection matrices; Perspective projection matrices 


Lighting and Shading: Light sources; The Phong lighting model;  Computational vectors; Polygonal shading; Light sources in OpenGL;  Specification of matrices in OpenGL; Global illumination; From Vertices To Frames: Basic implementation  strategies; line-segment clipping; polygon clipping; clipping  of other primitives; clipping in three dimensions; Rasterization ; Bresenham’s algorithm; Polygon Rasterization ; Hidden surface removal; anti-aliasing; display considerations.



Modelling & Hierarchy: Hierarchal models; trees and traversal; use of tree data structure; animation; Graphical objects;  Scene graphs; Simple scene graph API; Open Scene graph;  other tree structures; Curves and Surfaces: Representation of curves and surfaces; design criteria; Bezier curves and surfaces;  Cubic B-splines; General B-splines;  rendering curves and surfaces; curves and surfaces in OpenGL.


Suggested Readings: 

1.Edward Angel ,Computer Graphics  A Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL,    Peasrson Education, 5th edition -2009.

2.Fransis S Hill Jr., Stephen M Kelley, Computer Graphics Using OpenGL, Prentice-Hall  Inc.,   3rd edition , 2007.

3.Jim X. Chen, Foundation of 3D Graphics Programming Using JOGL and Java3D, Springe Verlag, 2006.

4.Hearn Donald, Pauline Baker M: Computer Graphics,  2nd edition , 1995



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