Sponsored by Matrusri Education Society, Estd. 1980 | Affiliated to Osmania University & Recognised by AICTE | EMCET Counselling Code: MVSR


CS 415


(Elective I)

Instruction                                                                                         4 Periods per week

Duration of University Examination                                               3 Hours

University Examination                                                                    75 Marks

Sessionals                                                                                          25 Marks




Introduction: Neural networks, application scope of neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, hybrid systems, Soft computing. Artificial neural networks: Fundamental concepts, Evolution of neural networks, basic model of Artificial neural networks, Important terminology of ANNs, McCulloch-pitts neuron model, Linear separability, Hebb Network Supervised Learning Network: Perceptron networks, adaptive linear neuron (Adaline), Multiple adaptive linear neuron, Back propagation network, Radial basis Function network (Architecture& Training algorithms)



Associative Memory Networks: Training algorithm for pattern Association, Associative memory network, Hetroassociative memory network (Architecture& Training algorithm), Bidirectional associative memory network Architecture, Discrete Bidirectional associative memory network, Continuous BAM ,Analysis of hamming distance, Energy function and storage capacity, Hopfield networks discrete &continuous. Unsupervised Learning Networks: Fixed weight competitive Nets, Kohonen self organizing network, Learning vector quantization (Architecture& Training algorithm) Adaptive Resonance theory network. Special networks: Simulated Annealing Networks,Boltzmann machine, Gaussian machine



Fuzzy Logic: Introduction to Classical sets and fuzzy sets, Classical sets,Fuzzy sets: Operations and Properties. Fuzzy Relations: Cardinality, Operations and Properties, Equivalence & tolerance. Membership function: Fuzzification, membership value assignment:  Inference, rank ordering, angular fuzzy sets



Defuzzification: Lamda Cuts for fuzzy sets and relations, defuzzification methods Fuzzy arithmetic and fuzzy measures: Fuzzy arithmetic, extension principle, fuzzy measures, measures of fuzziness, fuzzy integral Fuzzy rule base and approximate reasoning: truth values and tables in fuzzy logic, fuzzy propositions formation of rules ,decomposition of compound rules, aggregation of fuzzy rules, fuzzy reasoning, fuzzy inference system, fuzzy expert systems 



Fuzzy decision making: Individual, multiperson, multi objective, multi attribute, Fuzzy Bayesian decision making, Fuzzy logic control system: control system design, architecture  &operation of FLCsystem,FLC system models,Aplication of FLC system.Genetic Algorithim: Introduction,basic operators& terminology, Traditional algorithm vs genetic algorithm, simple GA, general  genetic algorithm, schema theorem, Classification of genetic algorithm, Holland classifier systems, genetic programming , applications of genetic algorithm 


Suggested Reading:


  1.  S. N. Sivanandam & S.N.Deepa, “Principles of Soft Computing”, Wiley India, 2008.
  2. Limin Fu, “Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence”, McGraw Hill, 1995.
  3. Timoty J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, McGraw Hill, 1997.


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